Last night our NSW Premier made an announcement in support of Sydney’s vibrant tech community.

“I am committed to turning the White Bay Glebe Island precinct into an internationally renowned technology hub. Sydney’s very own Silicon Valley.”

I think this is a great idea. A more collaborative tech industry could seed something profound.

How can I help?

Fishburners, The Commune, Google. Microsoft, SSW, Atlassian, Optiver, Readify, Thoughworks and many other thought leading friends across the city would be great partners to get involved early!

I can see many great benefits and also challenges to the plan that is already starting to take shape.

Lets get started!

When your formal submission process is up and running I’ll be sure to connect the dots and share it with the right people.

I’m the mean time, let’s get started!

“What will make the Glebe Island White Bay Area Precinct the truly vibrant tech hub that Sydney so richly deserves?”

Fielding questions..

  • What would it take for you to want to move your tech business to this new precinct?
  • What sorts of industries or businesses would this hub suit best?
  • What do you see are the major issues with the plan?
  • Have you worked in a similar environment before? Was it worthwhile?