So what is Markdown?

I’ll repeat my answer to this again when I’m done. See the bottom of the page.

I’m interested in Markdown because I’m finding that I spend quite a bit of time writing. I check in code and then I write. I write technical documentation in a blogging style and I want it to look shmick.

Mark down is…

A way to write technical documentation with references to ‘source code’ in the page. Right?

Getting Started

Well. For now I’m with you on WordPress. So let’s see how we can shoe horn Markdown into WordPress.

Shoe Horning Markdown Into WordPress

Yay! Google is my friend. WP-Markdown is a WordPress Plugin. This plugin Allows Markdown to be enabled in posts, comments and bbPress forums. This plug-in allows you to write posts (of any post type) using the Markdown syntax. The plug-in converts the Markdown into HTML prior to saving the post. When editing a post, the plug-in converts it back into Markdown syntax.

I’ll be right back. Just gotta go install and activate the WP-Markdown plugin under the covers.

Ok. Done. Now let’s see how this works.

Getting the WP-Markdown plugin To Render Sexy Source Code.

Wait. Syntax? WP-Markdown Requires some form of Syntax. Let’s find out more about that.

Markdown Syntax

Markdown Syntax is a human friendly syntax for generating HTML. It’s particularly useful for situations where you want to allow visitors to easily display code on a website.

Trying to render HTML using HTML is sort of like trying to spray water with a hose made out of water. As in, not possible.

To illustrate some Markdown Syntax I need to provide some examples.

Wait. I’m now going Markdown Batshit Crazy

Something is going on in the background as I write this post. As I type I can see the resulting markup displayed below. I’m trying to figure out how to use Markdown to render Markdown examples. Yes. Water -> Water hose. Bare with me.

Important Markdown Symbols


= Equals.

The “=” symbol is used to create Primary H1 Headings. Stick 3 in a row underneath some text and you’ll get a smoking heading.

– Hyphen / Dash.

The “-” Hyphen symbol is used in the same was as the “=” symbol for creating Secondary H2 Headings.

# Hash.

The “#” symbol is a more flexible way of creating headings. The more hashes you add the smaller the heading. “###” becomes a Sub-Sub H3 Heading. As you can see. I’m going to town with my Headings in this post.


* Star.

A “” is used to *italics or emphasis text. The “_” symbol can be used to do the same thing.


*, +, and – all produce the same thing. A list.


* John
* Jenny
* Sally


  • John
  • Jenny
  • Sally

More Examples

This is an [example link](

The Golden Rule For Escaping Into Code

To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code, indent every line of the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab.


Oh. And with an empty line above. Often an empty line above any new Markdown is required.

So what is Markdown? Again.

Markdown is a quick and easy way to organise technical documentation on the fly. I like it!

And now for a random unit test in Markdown just to celebrate.

public void Refresh_Token()
    _StoredGrant.CreateRefreshToken = false;

    Claim[] claims = { new Claim("client_id", "MobileAppShop"), new Claim("secret", "12345678") };
    ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrinciple = Principal.Create("Test", claims);

    Thread.CurrentPrincipal = claimsPrinciple;

    TokenRequest tokenRequest = new TokenRequest()
        Grant_Type = "refresh_token",
        Refresh_Token = "MyFavouriteRefrehToken1234"

    var response = _TokenController.Post("Test Application 1", tokenRequest);
    TokenResponse tokenResponse;
    response.TryGetContentValue<TokenResponse>(out tokenResponse);

    Assert.IsTrue(response.IsSuccessStatusCode == true);

This WP-Markdown plugin is great. It shows you the resulting content as your type it below the text editor. Nice one Stephen Harris :)