A few months back I applied to join the Hillary 2016 campaign as a developer. A short term project to help out in any way possible. Since then I’ve begun contributing to a number of open source projects the campaign depends upon. I’m now going over to New York to join the team and focus my efforts.

The election is TUE 08 NOV 2016.

“Don’t boo. Code!” @Decause

So far the projects I’ve been involved in revolving around web app build stuff. Tools the campaign use on a daily basis to analyse data, connect volunteers and drive the get out to vote program.

React. Travis. Javascript. Github. Heroku. NodeJs. OAuth.

Thank you Readify

I’m doing 3 days a week for Hillary and 2 days a week remote dev for Readify - the best tech consultancy in Australia.

One of the coolest things about working at Readify, aside from the talent, is that it’s the sort of crew that encourages this level of community engagement and flexible work/life/passion balance.

I’m eternally grateful.

Off this week. Back in Sydney early 2017.

If you’d like to get involved on the Hillary 2016 campaign the first thing you can do is Sign up at DevProgress.us. Join us!